Journal Articles

Embodying Dependency: Caribbean Godna (Tattoos) as Female Subordination and Resistance. 2022. The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology  27(4): 601–612.

The Global South as Subversive Practice: Challenges and Potentials of a Heuristic Concept. 2017. The Global South, 11 (2), pp. 1-17. DOI: 10.2979/globalsouth.11.2.01

Open Access

The Global South as Subversive Practice
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Contesting 'Gifts from Jesus': Conversion, Charity, and the Distribution of Used Clothing in Guyana. 2017. Social Sciences and Missions 30 (3), pp. 346-365. DOI: 10.1163/18748945-03003003

"Contesting 'Gifts from Jesus'"
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Manifesting Kali’s Power: Guyanese Hinduism and the Revitalisation of the ‘Madras Tradition’. 2017. Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies. Special Issue: Religion in Contemporary Caribbean Society, 41 (1), pp. 83-110.

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"Sexualized Harassment and Ethnographic Fieldwork" - preprint version
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Special Issues

The Global South as Subversive Practice (eds. Leigh Anne Duck, Sinah Theres Kloß), The Global South 11 (2), 2017, Indiana University Press. DOI: 10.2979/globalsouth.11.2.01

Book Chapters

Tattooed Dependencies: Sensory Memory, Structural Violence and Narratives of Suffering among Caribbean Hindu Women,” In: Narratives of Dependency (eds. E. Brüggen and M. Gymnich), Berlin: De Gruyter, 347-365. DOI: 10.1515/9783111381824-016


Talking History: Ethnographic Interviews, Intersectional Identities, and Power Negotiations in Research Encounters,” In: Un-Mapping the Global South (eds. G. Bauer, N. Hirschfelder and F. Resende), New York: Routledge, 37-54. DOI: 10.4324/9781003422853-4

‘We knew it!’: Caribbean Hindu Responses to Restrictions of Touch during COVID-19. 2023. In: CoronAsur: Asian Religions in the Covidian Age (eds. N. Lang, E. Larson, C. Lorea and E. Hertzman), University of Hawai‘i Press, pp. 129-133.


Touching Deities: Offerings, Energies, and the Notion of Touch in Guyanese Hinduism, In: Religion and Touch (eds. C. Welch and A. Whitehead), Sheffield: Equinox Publishing (Religion of the Senses), pp. 51-66.

Ritualtransfer und Transnationalismus: Zur Konstruktion von Kontexten vor dem Hintergrund transnationaler Migration. 2021. In: Kontextwechsel und Bedeutung (ed. T. Greub, S. Kloß, T. Schröder), Paderborn/Leiden: Fink/Brill, pp. 193-211, Fig. p. 8-10 (Tafeln).

Götterstatuen als multi-sensorische Porträts: Zur (materiellen) Ähnlichkeit und Bedeutung der Berührung bei hinduistischen Murtis. 2020. In: Revisionen des Porträts (ed. T. Greub), Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, pp. 129-148, Fig. p. 11).

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Indelible Ink: An Introduction to the Histories, Narratives, and Practices of Tattooing. 2020. In: Tattoo Histories: Transcultural Perspectives on the Narratives, Practices, and Representations of Tattooing (ed. Sinah Kloß), London, New York: Routledge, pp. 3-30.

Fairer Handel - Chances, Grenzen, Herausforderungen: Einleitung. 2020. In: Fairer Handel - Chances, Grenzen, Herausforderungen (eds. K. Gröne, B. Braun, S. Kloß, M. Schüller, M. Bollig), Munich: oekom, pp. 7-14.

Wearing the Shikha: Guruization and Sanskritization in a Transnational Guyanese Hindu Community. 2020. In: Mundos Caribeños – Caribbean Worlds – Mondes Caraïbes (eds. G. Knauer, I. Phaf-Rheinberger), Iberoamericana/Vervuert, pp. 393-408.

Giving and Development: Ethno-Religious Identities and ‘Holistic Development’ in Guyana. 2020. In: Faith-Based Organizations in Development Discourses and Practice (eds. J. Koehrsen, A. Heuser), London: Routledge, pp. 113-138.

Translocal Puja: The Relevance of Gift Exchange and Locality in Transnational Guyanese Hindu Communities. 2019. In:

Routledge Handbook of Indian Transnationalism (eds. A. K. Sahoo, B. Purkayastha), New York: Routledge, pp. 69-77.

Giving to Mother Ganga: Gift Exchange, Social Hierarchy and the Notion of Pollution in Transnational Guyanese Hindu Communities. 2019. In: Re-Imagining the Guyanas (eds. Lawrence Aje, Thomas Lacroix, Judith Mizrahi-Barak), Montpellier: Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée, pp. 215-228.

Perspektivenkonkurrenz in digitalen Medien - ein Diskussionsbericht. 2019. In: Competing Perspectives: Figures of Image Control (eds. G. Blamberger and D. Boschung), Wilhelm Fink: Paderborn. pp. 291-312.

Staying in Touch: Used Clothes and the Role of Materiality in Transnational Guyanese Gift Exchange. 2018. Reshaping Glocal Dynamics of the Caribbean: Relaciones y Desconexiones, Relations et Déconnexions, Relations and Disconnections (eds. Anja Bandau, Anne Brüske und Natascha Ueckmann), Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing, pp. 351-365.

Performing Authenticity through Fashion: Sartorial Contestations of Guyanese Indianness and the Creation of the Indian 'Other'. 2017. In: Fashion Tales: Feeding the Imaginary (eds. E. Mora and M. Pedroni), Peter Lang: Bern, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York. pp. 327-344.

The Caribbean (on the) Dining Table. 2014 (with W. Beushausen, A. Brüske, A.-S. Commichau and P. Helber). In: Caribbean Food Cultures: Culinary Practices and Consumption in the Caribbean and Its Diasporas. transcript: Bielefeld. pp.1-24.

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Essays, Newspaper & Magazine Articles

All Money Spent: Celebrating '150 Years of Indian Immigration' in Suriname. Dependent: The Magazine of the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies, 2023 (2), pp. 36-39.


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We knew it!’ - Caribbean Hindu Responses to Restrictions of Touch during COVID-19. CoronAsur: Religion and COVID-19 (October 28, 2020), np.

"Hindus in Indien sind zu modern": Die kreative Neuerfindung und Wiederentdeckung von Hindu-Traditionen in Guyana. 2020. matices - Zeitschrift zu Lateinamerika, Spanien und Portugal (100 - April 2020). pp. 30-32.

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Encyclopedia Entries

Guyana. 2019. In: Staatenlexikon Amerika (eds. W. Gieler and M. Porsche-Ludwig). Peter Lang: Frankfurt, pp. 219-226.

Suriname. 2019. In: Staatenlexikon Amerika (eds. W. Gieler and M. Porsche-Ludwig). Peter Lang: Frankfurt, pp. 411-416.

Guyana. 2019. In: Handbuch Außenpolitik Amerika (eds. W. Gieler and M. Porsche-Ludwig). LIT Verlag: Münster, pp. 153-160.

Suriname. 2019. In: Handbuch Außenpolitik Amerika (eds. W. Gieler and M. Porsche-Ludwig). LIT Verlag: Münster, pp. 313-318.

Reviews & Conference Reports

Review of Food and Identity in the Caribbean by Garth, H. (ed.), London, New York: Bloomsbury. Passato e Presente (98), pp. 181-183. Italian translation, 2016.

Conference Report of the conference Reshaping (g)local dynamics of the Caribbean: Relaciones y Desconexiones – Relations et Déconnections – Relations and Disconnections, 14.10.2015–17.10.2015, Hannover, in: H-Soz-Kult 03.03.2016.